Welcome to the RESC Advisory Board, Giovanna Battagliero

“Only close cooperation between science, business and users can bring progress that meets the needs of affected individuals”, says Giovanna Battagliero on her election as a member of the RESC Advisory Board.

Giovanna Battagliero

Giovanna Battagliero is a lawyer and holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Bern. She took up her role as the Director of the Rossfeld Foundation at the end of 2021. The foundation is a competence centre for 470 people with physical impairments. Previously, she worked on the Executive Board of the Federal Social Insurance Office. She is involved in various organizations (Wohnenbern, Bern Welcome, among others). Giovanna Battagliero is an expert in political and legal frameworks, interdisciplinary cooperation, and the needs of people with physical impairments including assistive technologies. It is important to her to make an active contribution to the development of assistive devices that enable people with a physical impairment to live a self-determined life.

“Only close cooperation between science, business and user experience can bring progress that meets the needs of affected individuals”, says Giovanna Battagliero on her election as a member of the RESC Advisory Board.

RESC Advisory Board

external pageRossfeld Foundation

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