Welcome to the RESC Advisory Board, Stefan Bützberger

“It is an honour to join the RESC Advisory Board. As a practitioner I can share my expertise in practical daily aspects of rehabilitation medicine and the patients’ view of their challenges and needs”, says Stefan Bützberger on his election as a member of the RESC Advisory Board.

Dr Stefan Bützberger has been chief physician rheumatology at Kantonsspital Baden’s clinic in Brugg since 2020. He is the current president of the board of directors of the Swiss Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (SSPMR), a partner society of RESC.

Stefan Bützberger specialises in internal medicine (2003), rheumatology (2006), and physical medicine and rehabilitation (2012). From 2011 to 2020 he was chief physician musculoskeletal rehabilitation, senior physician, and deputy director at aarReha rehabilitation clinic in Schinznach Bad.

“It is an honour to join the RESC Advisory Board. As a practitioner I can share my expertise in practical daily aspects of rehabilitation medicine and the patients’ view of their challenges and needs”, says Stefan Bützberger on his election as a member of the RESC Advisory Board.

external pageKantonsspital Baden, Rheumatology


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