Architecture and Care

external page Prof. Anna Puigjaner has held an ETH professorship in Architecture and Care at the Department of Architecture (D-ARCH) as part of the ETH Rehab Initiative since January 2023. She is a PhD architect and researcher whose work focuses on alternative domesticities, specifically alternative care architectures and practices that have the potential to reshape biased social structures.
With the professorship in Architecture and Care, the project external page Care XYZ was launched in 2023 at the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich. Care XYZ is a research and educational project addressing care and architecture with the objective to investigate the spatiality of shared kinships and reimagine care systems through the commons and the institutional. Architecture is understood as an instrument to promote forms of care that foster interdependencies among diverse individuals and social groups. Dismantling care regimes based on unevenly distributed and often invisibilised care labour, Care XYZ promotes an architecture that acknowledges the multiplicity of body dispositions in social space – from ageing to neurodivergence, from gender to race.
The Professorship in Architecture and Care at ETH Zurich was made possible with a grant from the external page Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).
Professur für Architektur und Care
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5