Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung

Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung
Full Professor at the Department of Architecture
Head of Inst. History and Theory of Architecture
ETH Zürich
Additional information
Research area
History of Art and Architecture
Philip Ursprung was born 1963 in Baltimore, MD, USA; from 1983 to 1993 he studied art history, history and German literature in Geneva, Vienna and Berlin; 1989 Licence ès Lettres, Université de Genève; 1993 Dr. phil., Freie Universität Berlin; 1999 Habilitation, ETH Zurich; 1992/93 assistant/maître assisant, Departement de l’histoire de l’art, Université de Genève; 1993–1999 senior assistent, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zurich; 1997–2000 visiting professor, Ecole Supérieure d’Art Visuel, Geneva; 1998 visiting professor Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee; 1999 interim professorship, ETH Zurich; 1999–2001 interim professorship, Hochschule der Künste Berlin; 2001/02 interim professorship, University of Basel; 2002 interim professorship, University of Zurich; 2001–2005 Swiss National Science Foundation Professor for the History of Contemporary Art, ETH Zurich; 2005–2011 Professor for Modern and Contemporary Art, University of Zurich; 2007 visiting professor, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University in the City of New York; 2011 visiting professor BIArch, Barcelona Institute of Architecture; 2020 Visiting Professor, Cornell University Department of Architecture; 2015-20 PI, Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore-ETH Center, Singapore; since 2011 Professor of the History of Art and Architecture, ETH Zurich. 2017–2019 Dean of the Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich. Since 2024 Head of Institute gta.
In 2013 he was awarded the Golden Owl for excellence in teaching by the student association of ETH Zurich.
In 2017 he was awarded the Prix Meret Oppenheim by the Swiss Federal Office of Culture.
In 2023 he represented together with Karin Sander Switzerland at the 18th Architecture Biennale Venice.
Since | Membership |
2014 | Bund Schweizer Architektinnen und Architekten BSA |
1997 | Eidgenössische Kunstkommission |
1995 | Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art AICA |
Year | Distinction |
2023 | Vertretung der Schweiz (gemeinsam mit Karin Sander) an der 18. Architekturbiennale Venedig |
2017 | Prix Meret Oppenheim des Bundesamtes für Kultur |
2013 | Goldene Eule des Verbands der Studierenden der ETH Zürich |
Course Catalogue
Spring Semester 2025
Number | Unit |
052-0804-00L | History and Theory of Architecture II |
052-0808-00L | History and Theory of Architecture VI (Ursprung) |
052-0818-25L | Theory of Architecture Seminar: Exhibiting Picasso today? Questions about context and display |
052-0820-25L | Theory of Architecture: Psychocolonial Spaces |
063-0854-25L | True Stories |
064-0004-25L | Collective readings |