Welcome to the RESC Advisory Board, Till Hornung
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) is pleased to welcome Dr. med. Till Hornung, CEO of the Kliniken Valens Group to its Advisory Board. Dr. Hornung's expertise in the healthcare system will greatly benefit the RESC network.
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Till Hornung was born in Bad Soden (Germany) and studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg. In 2005 he completed an MBA in International Consulting at the Private MBA-IMC Institute in Ludwigshafen.
In 2014 he was appointed CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of the Group Kliniken Valens. Since then, he has continuously developed the Kliniken Valens Group to become one of the leading rehabilitation providers in Switzerland, comprising five clinics and three outpatient centres.
Till Hornung is married with one daughter and lives in Buchs (SG).