Supporting rehabilitation at home: the RehabCoach project published in Suva Medical
RehabCoach is a platform for unsupervised rehabilitation hosted by the ETH RELab. By combining wearable robots with artificial intelligence systems, RehabCoach complements rehabilitation models and improves the continuum of care. The project has been selected twice for funding in a RESC research programme and is now published in Suva Medical.
Roger Gassert and Desiree Beck discuss the new Major in Rehabilitation and Inclusion in the current issue of “at – Aktuelle Technik”
Roger Gassert, professor for rehabilitation engineering at ETH Zurich, and Desiree Beck, project and education manager at RESC, recently had the opportunity to discuss the new Major in Rehabilitation and Inclusion at ETH Zurich, highlighting how it trains students to integrate rehabilitation technology with medicine.
RESC bids farewell to long-standing members and advisors and welcomes new member of the Steering Committee.
Farewell of Prof. Armin Curt and Markus Gautschi as members of the RESC Steering Committee and Advisory Board and welcome of Prof. Patrick Freund to the RESC Steering Committee
RESC welcomes newly elected members Dr. Mohamed Bouri, Prof. Franziska Felder, Prof. Patrick Freund, Prof. Inge Herrmann and Prof. Carla Sabariego
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) is pleased to welcome Mohamed Bouri, Franziska Felder, Patrick Freund, Inge Herrmann and Carla Sabariego as new members.
Team ottobock.X3 at the CYBATHLON 2024
By participating in the Leg Prosthesis Race at CYBATHLON 2024, we showcased the performance of the commercially available prosthesis Ottobock Genium X3 – individually adapted to the pilot’s needs.
National Rehab Congress 2024 – “Reha meets Technology – Technology meets Reha” (RESC Symposium)
The RESC Symposium 2024 took place in the framework of the National Rehabilitation Congress at the Technopark Zürich and was co-organized by the Swiss Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (SGPMR) and RESC.
RESC and Suva awarded research grant to promote outpatient and residential rehabilitation
The ETH RESC – Suva research programme funded two promising projects to strengthen outpatient and residential (near home/workplace) rehabilitation with a focus on people with accident-related injury.
Annual Report 2023
Dive into our achievements and highlights in 2023.
RESC partners with SKAALTEC
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) is partnering with SKAALTEC, an early stage, pre-incorporated spinoff at ETH Zurich pioneering neuroscience-based healthcare solutions, such as the SmartVNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulation). SmartVNS seamlessly integrates neurostimulation and wearables, supporting recovery both in the clinic and at home. SmartVNS seeks to transform daily living into cutting-edge neural therapy for faster and more accessible recovery.
RESC welcomes newly elected members Dr. med. Meret Branscheidt and Prof. Sarah Ebling
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) is pleased to welcome Meret Branscheidt and Sarah Ebling as new members.
RESC Public Symposium 2023
RESC hosts public symposium to explore the interaction of health, technology, and architecture
RESC at Rehab Week 2023
RESC hosted a panel discussion together with the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) and participated in a collaborative workshop organized by the Lake Lucerne Institute (LLUI), RehabWeek is a week-long conference that brings together different conferences in the field of rehabilitation technology at the same time and place in order to foster cross-disciplinary communication and the development of relationships between different players.
Industry Day 2023
At this year's ETH Industry Day, the RESC was on location with the following projects: Reto Togni with Hands-free wheelchair steering, Spinal Cord Injury & Artificial Intelligence Lab, Biomedical and Mobile Health Technology Lab
2023 Partnership Event
The annual Partnership Council has been held at the honorable Villa Hatt. We extend our gratitude to all our strategic partners and interested participants for strengthening the ETH Zurich Rehab Initiative, RESC ETH Zurich, and Cybathlon.
RESC partners with Frei Swiss AG
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) is partnering with Frei Swiss AG, a full-service provider for physiotherapists, physicians, and rehabilitation centres with over 40 years of experience in the development and distribution of professional medical therapy and training equipment.
RESC partners with F&P Robotics
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) is partnering with F&P Robotics, a pioneer in collaborative robotics. F&P develops highly-skilled robots, which are able to learn and assist humans in an adaptive, personalised manner, thus providing a safe and secure environment for users.
RESC welcomes new members
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) is pleased to welcome its newly elected members Chris Awai, Florian Freislederer, and Christian Lanz.
Welcome to the RESC Advisory Board, Serge Reichlin
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) is pleased to welcome Dr. med. Serge Reichlin, EMBA, CEO of the Barmelweid Gruppe AG to its Advisory Board. Dr. Reichlin's expertise in the healthcare system will greatly benefit the RESC network.
Welcome to the RESC Advisory Board, Till Hornung
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) is pleased to welcome Dr. med. Till Hornung, CEO of the Kliniken Valens Group to its Advisory Board. Dr. Hornung's expertise in the healthcare system will greatly benefit the RESC network.
Welcome Sonja Manser
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) welcomes Sonja Manser to the team. Sonja joined as an intern on 13 February 2023.
Welcome Tom Reulein
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) welcomes Tom Reulein to the team. Tom joined as Project Manager on 1 February 2023.
RESC welcomes new members
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) is pleased to welcome its newly elected members Claudia Galli, Lukas Imbach, Bertrand Léger, Johannes Scherr, and Dominik Straumann.
Research grant awarded to promote monitoring technologies for clinical decision-making in spinal cord injury (SCI)
The ETH RESC – Swiss Paraplegic Foundation research programme funded two promising projects aimed at developing novel sensing technology and artificial intelligence methods for outpatient monitoring with direct application for individuals with a spinal cord injury (SCI).
RESC partners with Gelbart | ORTHO-TEAM Group
ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) is partnering with Gelbart | ORTHO-TEAM Group, Switzerland’s leading health technology company for human mobility.
Research grant awarded to RehabCoach – a digital platform that supports remote rehabilitation
The ETH RESC – Suva Funding Programme, which supports R&D in prevention, rehabilitation, and health economics with a focus on accident-related injuries, awarded its first grant to “RehabCoach”.