Supporting rehabilitation at home: the RehabCoach project published in Suva Medical
RehabCoach is a platform for unsupervised rehabilitation hosted by the ETH RELab. By combining wearable robots with artificial intelligence systems, RehabCoach complements rehabilitation models and improves the continuum of care. The project has been selected twice for funding in a RESC research programme and is now published in Suva Medical.
Roger Gassert and Desiree Beck discuss the new Major in Rehabilitation and Inclusion in the current issue of “at – Aktuelle Technik”
Roger Gassert, professor for rehabilitation engineering at ETH Zurich, and Desiree Beck, project and education manager at RESC, recently had the opportunity to discuss the new Major in Rehabilitation and Inclusion at ETH Zurich, highlighting how it trains students to integrate rehabilitation technology with medicine.
RESC bids farewell to long-standing members and advisors and welcomes new member of the Steering Committee.
Farewell of Prof. Armin Curt and Markus Gautschi as members of the RESC Steering Committee and Advisory Board and welcome of Prof. Patrick Freund to the RESC Steering Committee