New professor of Biomedical Data Science at D-HEST: Catherine Jutzeler

Dr Catherine Jutzeler, currently Group Leader at ETH Zurich in Basel, has been appointed by the ETH council as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Biomedical Data Science in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology. We wish her a good start in January 2022!
RESC partners with EnableMe foundation

ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) partners with the EnableMe foundation. EnableMe enables partners to offer tech-driven information and community services which support people with disabilities and chronic conditions and disability inclusion at scale.
RESC partners with innovative healthcare gamification startup Akina

ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) partners with ETH-spinoff Akina. The startup develops gamification technology that maximizes patient adherence to self-care at home and thereby accelerates patients’ rehabilitation journey.
RESC partners with award-winning medtech startup Scewo

ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) partners with award-winning medtech startup Scewo. The company developed the BRO power wheelchair, the world’s only electric wheelchair that combines driving on two wheels and climbing stairs.
Suva donates CHF 1 million to ETH Zurich's Rehab Initiative

New partner for ETH Zurich's Rehab Initiative: Suva is donating CHF 1 million to the ETH Foundation to fund five years of research projects by the Rehab Initiative, run by the Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) at ETH Zürich.
RESC partners with HackaHealth community

ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) partners with the HackaHealth community, a team of engineers and friends on a mission to advance user-centred design approaches for assistive technologies.
RESC partners with inclusion consultancy Sensability

ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) partners with Swiss inclusion consultancy Sensability. The company offers consulting services by people with disabilities for people without disabilities.
RESC partners with ETH spin-off MyoSwiss

ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) partners with ETH spin-off MyoSwiss. The company developed the Myosuit, a soft wearable exoskeleton that helps people with mobility impairments to live a more active life.
RESC partners with ETH-startup Leitwert

ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) partners with ETH-startup Leitwert. Leitwert provides the IT backbone for the integration and interoperability of wearable sensors and digital health applications that will revolutionize healthcare and clinical research.
RESC partners with ETH-spinoff VAY

ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) partners with ETH-spinoff VAY. The technology developed by the start-up digitizes human movement to track range of motion for application in physical therapy, rehabilitation, and digital health apps.
Research grant awarded to interdisciplinary project exploring the potential of low-cost user-led innovation in rehab technology

In October 2020, the Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering & Science published its first research call “Changing Behaviours”. Out of the four promising proposals that were submitted, a board of experts awarded the grant to the project “User-led innovation in online communities: An exploratory study of the design principles and the diffusion of affordable rehabilitation technology”.
Annual Report: the first year in review

The Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) published its first annual report. Read on to learn what we have achieved in our startup year.
RESC welcomes Prof Carlo Menon

RESC extends a warm welcome to Professor Dr Carlo Menon, who was appointed Professor for Biomedical and Mobile Health Technology at ETH Zurich’s Department of Health Sciences and Technology (D-HEST) last year. Carlo Menon took up his appointment on 1 February 2021.
Newly elected RESC members bring valuable expertise to ETH Zurich’s Rehabilitation Initiative

ETH Zurich’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) elected three new members at its General Assembly, held on 21 December 2020. The Steering Committee is pleased to welcome Katrien De Bock, Eling D. de Bruin, and Tobias Kowatsch as new RESC members.